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Bill Of Sale Agreement


[Name of Seller], seller, of [Address of Seller], [City of Seller], [State of Seller], in consideration of $ [Amount Paid] Dollars paid me by [Name of Buyer], buyer, of [Address of Buyer], [City of Buyer], [State of Buyer], receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do grant, sell, transfer and deliver to buyer the following goods:
[Description of goods].

Buyer shall have all rights and title to the goods in [himself or herself] and [his or her] executors, administrators and assigns.

Seller is the lawful owner of the goods and the goods are free from all encumbrances. Seller has good right to sell the goods and will warrant and defend the right against the lawful claims and demands of all persons.

In witness whereof, seller has executed this bill of sale at [Designated place of execution] on [Date of execution].
